It has been quite a season for the middle school girls basketball team here at Days Creek.
This year the Wolves had a large number of girls join the.
“There have been so many girls this year for both volleyball and basketball which has been great,” assistant coach Joleen Crume said. “but can also sometimes be quite challenging for the coaches trying to get all the girls a good amount of playing time,”
The A-team has been doing great, the best year for Days Creek middle school girls in many years, being undefeated all season and making it to the playoffs.
The five starters for the A team were the managers for the high school team and got in some more knowledge while accompanying the team to games and practices.
The starters were four 8th graders and one 7th grader; Jazmine Estrada, Shiloh Geiger, Maggie Brown, KC Hoffman, and Clara Crume.
Not only did the A-team make it to playoffs but took the Little Fir League title. They all seem to have a lot of potential along with the rest of their team. Even though the other league teams that made it to playoffs had a tougher league the DC girls prepared and won both games at playoffs against North Douglas and then UVC. The games were very close.
Even though the B team did not win every game they got to play. They also came out strong and had a lot of wins for their season and did well.
“I feel like the season went really well other than the drama,” Estrada said. “But I had a lot of fun and I’m excited to play more basketball next year in high school.”