Girls Jr. High Basketball 2021-22

In this 2021 file photo, Travis Fuller draws up a play for the middle school girls basketball team last May.

The Days Creek middle school girls basketball season has tipped off.

Travis Fuller is the head coach, along with Bryan Jenks and Steve Woods who assist.

This year’s team has 11 girls. Travis plans on playing 2 quarters of a B game when possible while still running a full A game.

Most girls swing considering the low numbers. Eighth grader Mariah Gallagher is the top returning player after Natalia Harris moved up to high school. Seventh grader Mallorie Walter is another top player with experience.

Fuller says “the jamboree was very eye opening, and it was good to figure out what we need to work on throughout the season.” Jenks said “there is a lot of inexperience but they are learning quickly.”