Will Baseball return at Days Creek?
November 18, 2021
There is talk around the school about resurrecting the baseball program, so the Wolves can have a team of their own.
For the past few years, Days Creek has co-oped with Riddle.
The main student behind this is junior Hayden Harris.
“We want to have our own team and not have to be with Riddle,” he said.
Progress has been slow, but is Harris said it’s still early in the process. So far 15 players have signed up.
“Only eight or nine of the students are considered reliable to show up and keep grades above standard,” Harris said.
Superintendent Steve Woods said in order to have a baseball team players need to pass five classes. All players would have to meet this requirement by January 13th. Whoever has the least amount players by the deadline will go to the other school; if the schools decide to co-op.
The listed players consist of one freshman, nine sophomores, four Juniors and one or two seniors. Interested players can contact Harris, Woods or Mr. Ellis.
“Nothing is established about the team or season yet because it’s too early,” Harris said.
When the team is put together Harris plans clean up Deb Moore Field, since it hasn’t been used for almost three years and is now covered in blackberry bushes.
The last time Days Creek fielded its own baseball team was 2013, according to Mr. McCallum, who has coached at both schools.
Instructional assistant and current head football coach Travis Fuller was on one of Days Creek’s teams in the late 2000s.
“Its kinda weird, I remember the community put a lot of time into the field” said Fuller