Days Creek adds eSports to activity lineup
November 16, 2021
Days Creek has a new interactive sport this year. It’s not on a field or on a court — it’s on computers. This activity is known as eSports. It is for the kids who want to be active in the school but don’t particularly enjoy physical contact sports.
“It brings a different group of kids into a team based sport,” said eSports coach Daniel Johnson.
This school year is the first year that Days Creek has had an eSports team and Mr. Johnson thinks “it’s here to stay.”
Mr. Ellis introduced the idea and so

ial studies teacher Mr.Giles supported it.
The team plays a video game called Valorant, a 3D, team-based shooter game.
They play against schools from Texas, New York, and Illinois.
“It gives ne something to look forward to at the end of the day and helps his hand eye coordination,” freshman Rossli Berlingeri said.
Travis Doolittle agrees, he says it puts motivation into his day and that it’s a great experience.