Tips for passing the driver’s license test

Jordan Stever

Clearly checking mirrors and blind spots is one good strategy when taking your driver’s license test.


Getting ready to take the Driver’s License test? Or have you failed your first attempt? Or multiple attempts?

We interviewed successful license holders at Days Creek Charter School to see what worked and what didn’t during their tests.

Check your mirrors often. Testers will dock you points for failing to check your rear view and side mirrors during the test. “Don’t just check your mirrors; make a big show of doing it by turning your head to make sure they know you are,” said one driver.

Get tested at the Canyonville DMV. Several recent drivers said that testing at the Medford DMV brought harder tests, more congested traffic and an unfamiliar setting. “We know the roads around Canyonville better,” senior Neston Berlingeri said. “Plus it’s a shorter wait.”

Change your hand placement. The old adage of keeping your hands at 10-and-2 o’clock on the steering wheel has changed. The driver’s manual now suggests placing hands at 9-and-3 o’clock, or roughly at the sides of the wheel.

No California stops. Failing to come to a complete stop at a stop sign is an automatic fail on the driver’s test, no matter how well you’ve done to that point.

Be careful at four-way stop sign intersections. According to the Oregon Driver’s Manual “At intersections with stop signs in all four directions, it is common courtesy to allow the driver who stops first to go first. When in doubt, yield to the driver on your right. Never assume another driver will yield the right of way to you.”

Pedestrian’s rule. Oregon law states that pedestrians always have the right of way over vehicles. At least during your test, come to a complete stop and wait for anyone crossing traffic on foot to completely leave the road.

Stay relaxed. Tense drivers make mistakes. Calm, relaxed drivers pass tests. Take a moment before your test to gather yourself. Avoid Dutch Bros. lattes and realize that a failed test is not the end of the world.