Days Creek high schoolers are getting a slew of schedule changes for the new semester.
Starting Tuesday, most students in grades 9-12 will have some sort of schedule change, either entire new classes or current classes moved to different time periods.
“We had to make a lot of changes to better meet the needs of all of our students,” Director of Student Success Cathy Knapp said.
Of note, a Crime Scene Investigation class is being added as an elective. It will be taught by former Sheriffs Deputy and new teacher Katie Michaels.
“Crime Scene Investigation is a field of forensics that involves the examination and analysis of physical evidence collected from a crime scene,” Michaels said. “To better understand the reasoning behind the steps to investigate a scene, the students will learn about the United States Judicial Branch, specifically Law Enforcement, courts, and corrections. After examining the United State Criminal Justice System, students will begin to study crime scene evidence and collection techniques. Students will conduct labs on fingerprints, blood splatter analysis, ballistic analysis, and evidentiary photography.”
Mr. Giles’ homesteading class will move from first period to seventh period.
“It is better for class because we won’t be cold,” said Giles, who frequently takes his homesteading class outside for activities.
Giles will add Applied Technical Math and his global studies class will be split into two sections.
“It’s fine because I have taught global studies before,” Giles said.
Mr. Nieves and Mr. Fuller will take over Pre-Algebra from Giles.
Intro to Vo-Ag class is going to sixth and Biology is moving to first period.
U.S. history is moving to the first period from the 4th period. And weights moving to 2nd period.