The high school hall, pictured in 2022, will be the site of Winter Ball, a Dec. 19 middle school dance.
For the first time since the middle schoolers were new Days Creeks students, there will be a dance just for them.
A Winter Ball will be held Dec. 19 from 6-9 in the high school hall. The cost is $5, with proceeds going to benefit the middle school activity fund.
“We wanted to raise more money for the middle school activity fund,” Days Creek aide and parent Dawna Connor. “There was only $15 in the account so we came up with the idea to raise money for them.”
Snacks, water and punch will be provided. Glow in the dark cotton candy for sale by Harris Kids, a business co-operated by Days Creek sophomore Natalia Harris. No guest passes will be issued.
“The middle schoolers are excited about it,” Connor said. “We wanted to be real formal, but kids are getting excited, renting tuxedos and fancy dresses.”